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St Luke's Church Kew
Where all God’s children are welcome

Junior Church for All Ages
The children’s worship is an important part of the ministry of St Luke’s. We welcome children of all ages to come and share the word of God with age appropriate groups offered as an alternative to the main service. To begin with, the whole congregation worships together, then the children who wish to proudly process out (the younger ones with their parents) to continue their worship.

All ages welcome
Junior Church
Children discover and explore the Bible through stories, role-play, crafts, song, fun games, prayer and discussion.
Once a month the all age groups come together to praise God through song in “Sing Your Praises” led by members of the church choir. Also, once a month (usually the first Sunday) there is All Age Worship, where the whole congregation worships together in a service that reaches out to everyone. So there something for the children every Sunday.
For those in Year 5 and up
Youth Group
We meet once a month in term time to have fun and be curious about God and life.
For more information and dates contact:

Clergy Forms for Schools
If you would like Rev Melanie to consider a School Clergy form, now or in the future, please see our policy and guidelines. Registers are available each week to help verify regular attendance.
St Luke’s Church is committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Please click here for more information.
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